Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Going 'Dark'.....

Hey gang, I'll probably not be saying much for a while. I'm still 'blogging' to a certain extent, but what I am doing now can't be shared here.

I want to thank those of you who have read regularly, don't take me out of your subscriptions, I'll still post something here when I can, its just not going to be a focus for me for a while.

We wish you a happy new year...may 2008 be your best year yet...

The Halls


Amy S. Grant said...

Many blessings on your 2008, too.

I've been missing your family through the busy holidays. We'd love to get together soon for dinner or something!

TARA said...

Hey Donnie

When will the light be on again?

Amy S. Grant said...

Miss your bloggin!

Anonymous said...

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