Yesterday, I did a lot of driving and got to thinking about the article mentioned in the third post that said Einstein's E=mC^2 equation had been validated. The most amazing part of that (in my mind) is the statement that 95% of everything we see is 'relatavistic mass' (increased mass due to the speed of sub-nuclear particles)
Then, here is where my mind went...
- cold slows motion down, heat increases motion
- most things, when frozen, contract and expand when heated
- dihydrogen monoxide (aka water) does the opposite, it expands when frozen, and contracts when it heats up
- the definition of absolute zero (0 Kelvin) is that all molecular motion stops
From this, I came up with these questions...
- is the contraction/expansion of most materials due to temperature changes related to the slowing down/speeding up of sub-nuclear particles?
- if so, why is water different?
- Based on what we know, absolute zero is unacheivable (just like the speed of light) but if all molecular motion stopped at that point, would a material be reduced to 5% of it original mass?
I'd really like to talk to a physicist about this stuff. I know someone out there that could probably shed some light on this. Is Mr. Happy out there?
1 comment:
It would be interesting know if the answers to your questions would be the same or differet depending on the presence of a Creator. If the continued presence of a Creator is the source of energy for all molecular sturctures, this fact would affect the direction of your answers. But what do I know - I'm blonde!
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