Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sometimes its the little things....

Earlier this year, I worked for Oakwood Systems Group in Nashville. The director that I worked for was Bubba Mullen. We became pretty good friends, and he helped me through a rough time. Anyway, as my tenure there was drawing to a close, we were talking one day and for some reason (I don't remember what led to this) he mentioned that he always kept a couple of band-aids in his wallet. "They don't take much room and you will always have them when someone needs them." It's a simple thing, but something I'd never thought of before.

Last night, my son's football team was playing in Robertson County. I drove straight there after work and had not had dinner. After entering the game, I went straight to the concession stand to get a burger for dinner. While I was waiting for the folks to get my stuff together, a little girl came to the window and asked if they had a first aid kit. I overheard her ask and I asked if she needed a band-aid. She said yes, and I pulled one out of my wallet. The folks behind the counter were amazed. I went back to the concession stand later, and was greeted as the "band aid man". The fellow behind the counter explained that the little girl was his neighbor, he even gave me the Snickers bar that I wanted.

After the game, I went back to get a Mountain Dew for the road. Once again I was given a heroes' welcome. It's funny how the little things can make such a big impression.

And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward.
Matthew 10:41-42

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