Tuesday, November 27, 2007

We need some monuments....

When the children were small, Kathy and I used the envelope system. When you get paid, you separate cash into envelopes dedicated to budget item. When the cash for that category is gone, you are done. It's a great system, but it can have its downfalls to be explained here.....

I had just gotten paid so our envelopes were freshly stocked. I needed go to town to run several errands so Kathy asked me to stop by the grocery store. I took the grocery envelope with me and headed out. I had several things in my hands when I was getting in the car. I had to go take something to Kathy's sister, Walmart (I think) then I stopped at the grocery. At the grocery, I picked up several things, got to the checkout line.....no envelope. I looked in the car....no envelope. Uh oh.

I explained the issue to the manager and told them if someone turned it in, to call me. I went home and explained the situation to Kathy. That was not a fun evening. Finally, we go to bed....I hear this big sigh.

"What's the matter honey?" (dumb question huh?)
"Somebody has our grocery, money"

As I laid there, it came to me. I had laid the envelope on top of the car while I was putting the stuff in the car (I'm pretty sure that my intellectual biorhythm was at a low point that day). I don't remember picking it back up. I got up, got dressed, and headed out. It was about 11pm at this point, 3 hours after my original trip.

I retraced my steps....slowly driving along the path that I followed earlier looking for the envelope. I drove all the way back to Leeville Pike where Kathy's sister lived at the time. I was just about to give up and turn around when...in the middle of Leeville Pike (a busy two lane road) there sat our envelope. All the money still there. It was amazing.

I've always wondered why Peter, after the transfiguration, said...
"Rabbi, it is good for us to be here. Let us put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah."

Someone explained to me that the Jews were always big on monuments and festivals. It's all about remembering. Remembering what God has done for you in the past, so that you will trust him in the future.

I know of several places where I would need to build some monuments. I don't think that they will let me put one in the middle of Leeville Pike.


Amy S. Grant said...

Oh my. One more thing to worry about! :)

Donnie Hall said...

Just learn from me, don't take the whole envelope anywhere....

Donna G said...

good job.

I left a credit card on top of the car one time and could not find it when I went back to the gas station. That night when I was taking off my clothes I found it in my pocket....

silly wabbit!

John Grant said...

That's hilarious! Why doesn't Dave Ramsey warn you about that when he describes the envelope system?