Thursday, September 27, 2007

There really are two 6 o'clocks every day....

I am involved with a humanitarian organization that is trying to help folks living in Nigeria. I'll be writing more about that later on, but yesterday, we had some fun trying to set up a meeting to discuss how the organization could reach out to more people. There were 4 of us trying to coordinate a time and place to meet. Two of us have real live 8-5 type jobs in Nashville.

After all was said and done, it took approximately 34 emails to coordinate the meeting. Greg Smith is also on the board. He has a quirky sense of humor and is obviously NOT an early riser. We discussed meeting at 6am at Panera Bread because they have wireless internet access. Greg's responses were hilarious, I hope that he doesn't mind me sharing them here:

"There are two 6 o'clocks in a day?"
"Why are we worrying about internet access at 6am? They don't turn the internet on until around 7:30"

and finally, once he arrived at the meeting in the dark...

"So does the sun just come on all of a sudden?"

Funny funny guy....

I am an early riser, you might notice some of the posting times on this blog are quite early. Are you an early riser? Night owl? and the big question....are you a morning person? or not?


KELLI said...

I'm 100% Night Owl. The alarm clock is not my friend. I have noticed the time on alot of your blogs and I was seriously hoping the time was wrong and that you were not actually up and posting at that time!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for reading, and for commenting. At one time, I had the time zone set wrong and the times were early (even for me). However, unfortunately, they are right now.

Anonymous said...

Definitely NOT a morning person. In fact, at this point in my life I am neither an early riser nor a night owl (as you well know!) I guess I am just old...